Tennis elbow
A detailed history of symptoms and elbow examination will provide many clues to the cause symptoms. Further routine investigations include an elbow X ray and ultrasound scan to aid making the right diagnosis.
There does not appear to be a clear ‘winning treatment’ that always work. Treatments are introduced in a stepwise approach.
Activity modification - reducing the repetitive elbow stress can help.
Pain medication - may help reduce pain and inflammation of the effected tendons.
Physiotherapy - maintains elbow and hand strength, which can reduce the irritation and inflammation.
Injections - steroid injections, correctly placed, can reduce pain and inflammation of the effected tendons. Repeated steroid injections are not advised.
Dry needling - Under local anaesthetic, and ultrasound guidance, a needle is repeatedly passed into the effected tendon.
Surgery - Rarely indicated and must be regarded as the last treatment option. Open surgery can can be performed through a 5-10cm.